Custom Reports Bundle 3.4.4

Version 4.0 is out and is modular and built for PowerSchool 7.9 and above. If you are looking for the reports bundle go here unless you are on PowerSchool 7.8 or older. This version will remain open only for users who absolutely need these reports and are on an older version of PowerSchool. If you can wait we recommend you do wait and install after upgrading PowerSchool to at least 7.9

3.4.4 (5/8/2013)

  • Various report fixes where current selection is used.

3.4.3 (2/23/2013)

  • Bug Fix: Fixed sqlReports accordion
  • Adjusted reports that use current selection to use method that handles over 1,000 students.

3.4.2 (5/16/2012)

  • New Report: Sub Finder - Find teachers that PowerSchool thinks are free to cover a selected staff member.
  • Bug Fix: Projected Enrollment - Issue where counts were off when viewed from District Office.
  • Bug Fix: Grades Dashboard - Removed extra submit button.
  • New Feature: Consecutive Days - Added Make/Add Current Students to current selection. PS 7.0.3+ Required
  • New Feature: Attendance Frequency Search - Added Make/Add Current Students to current selection. PS 7.0.3+ Required
  • New Feature: Student Attendance List - Added Make/Add Current Students to current selection. PS 7.0.3+ Required
  • New Feature: Exit/Entry Report - Added Make/Add Current Students to current selection. PS 7.0.3+ Required
  • New Feature: Search Grades & Attendance - Added Make/Add Current Students to current selection. PS 7.0.3+ Required
  • New Feature: Address Issues - Added Make/Add Current Students to current selection. PS 7.0.3+ Required
  • New Feature: Phone Number Search - Added Make/Add Current Students to current selection. PS 7.0.3+ Required
  • New Feature: Birthday List - Added Make/Add Current Students to current selection. PS 7.0.3+ Required
  • New Feature: Youngest Child - Added Make/Add Current Students to current selection. PS 7.0.3+ Required
  • New Feature: Student Free - Added Make/Add Current Students to current selection. PS 7.0.3+ Required
  • New Feature: Bus Search - Added Make/Add Current Students to current selection. PS 7.0.3+ Required

Patch 3.4.1a (4/11/2012)
This patch is just a update to 3.4.1. CRB 3.4.1 must be installed first then this patch on top.

  • New Report: CPM Files/Folders - Lists all the active custom files in Custom Page Management (CPM).
  • Bug Fix: Student Attendance List - Widened the date entry boxes.
  • Bug Fix: Monthly Attendance Review - Changed the date code used in the SQL query.
  • Bug Fix: Projected Enrollment - When run from a school, the school can only see current, outgoing and incoming students.
  • Bug Fix: Log Entry Search - Students without a Discipline_ActionTaken were not listed on the report. This has been resolved.
  • Bug Fix: Instruction Time - Sections that were not full year were showing higher hours. This has been resolved.

Changes in version 3.4.1 (4/6/2012)

  • Report Update: Phone Number Search updated to look at more stock phone number fields and report format is updated. (doctor_phone, emerg_phone_1, and emerg_phone_2)
  • Performance Fix: Student Attendance List performance should be improved
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Bad Entry Dates. Results will now show.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Projected Enrollment. Results will now show.
  • Bug Fix: Updated Student Request Letters text wrapping.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed issue where table tools and sorting would not work after running reports.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed issue where popups on Exit/Entry, Consecutive days and Gradebook vs Stored would not work.
  • UI Fix: Updated parameter box to be wider.
  • New Report: Instruction Time. Shows how many hours/minutes a section meets based on the calendar setup.

The Custom Reports Bundle is a collection of custom html reports and dashboards for PowerSchool. The content in this bundle has been contributed by several members of the PowerSchool customization community. The bundle also includes the Custom SQL Reports customization created by Dean Dahlvang.

The 3.x release of the Custom Reports Bundle has many great new features.

  • New PS7 compatible layout on all reports
  • Report data is retrieved with AJAX. No more page refreshes to get results.
  • Most reports are now printable and sortable
  • Some reports are exportable to PDF and CSV
  • Performance improvements to underlying report queries.
  • Improved UI for report parameters

Known Issues:
Several reports are still undergoing a transition to the new layout. As a result some are not working.
Broken Reports

  • Schedule Course Demographics (/admin/reports/schedule/coursedemographics.html)
  • Sections with no room Assigned(/admin/reports/schedule/SectionnoRoom.html)
  • NY State Reports

Install Instructions - Custom Page Management:

To upload an entire zip you’ll have to be on PowerSchool 7. Then the steps are as follows:

Switch to District Office.
Use one of the 2 methods below to get to the import/export screen. I would click the export button on the screen listed below to make a backup of your current customizations so you have a backup copy.
A. PS Administrator->Custom Pages->Import/Export
B. District->Localization Administration->Import/Export Customizations
Export the current customizations as a backup.
After you have done that, click browse and select the PDS (or other customization) zip and then click import.

NOTE - The following steps will need to be done if using CPM, because of a bug in PowerSchool, to enable all the bundle features.
1. In CPM navigate to \scripts\tabletools\ click Add then Create Folder with the name swf, if it doesn't already exist.
2. Upload copy_cvs_xls_pdf.swf and copy_cvs_xls.swf from the \scripts\tabletools\swf folder from the unzipped download.
3. navigate to \images\css\theme\crm-css\ click Add then Create Folder with the name images, if it doesn't already exist.
4. Upload all the files from the \images\css\theme\crm-css\images folder from the unzipped download.

Install Instructions - Custom Webroot:
Unzip the downloaded file and place the included files in the same folder structure that exists in the zip in your data\custom\webroot folder.


Jason Treadwell
Brent Johnson
Brian Andle
Tim Scoff
Matt Freund
Roger Sprik
Michael Moore
Dean Dahlvang
CPM Import Friendly: 


We've installed 3.4.2. Someone clicked the button to change to the "Static" version of the reports, and I cannot recall or find how to change back to the "Dynamic" version. Reminder please?

Linda Brock
Student Information Systems Specialist
Hampton, CT

At the very bottom of the list is a PDS Setup link and you can change it back to dynamic from inside that page.

See, one can outsmart oneself...I had moved that into a new folder called "reportSetup" so I could page secure things relating to configuration, and of course that's not a grouping that's coded into the Static view....
Got it fixed, thanks!

Linda Brock
Student Information Systems Specialist
Hampton, CT

Does anyone have a custom page or report that displays all students receiving a d and/or f by teacher/course. I picked up a page in here a few years ago that is no longer compatible. I thought it may be included in this customizations pack but no. Any help appreciated.

I modified this report with our custom fields for female1 and female2 and male1 and male2. All the fields will approve over the the parent field except for emails and names. Any ideas why?

The parents will put in new names and email addresses in the parent portal and they will show in the Parent update page for staff in PowerSchool but when Accept it clicked for these type of fields, the data won't transfer over like it will for phone numbers and Employers.

Thanks - Carol Amos

The Monthly Attendance Review used to (PS6) print with gridlines. The PS7 version looks great on screen with the lines alternately shaded, but when it prints without gridlines (or shading), it is very difficult to read. Could the gridlines be put back in, at least in the printed version?

Also, the old problem of omitting the last month of the school's calendar is back.

When I run this, it pulls my data, but I cannot sort by columns. Is that possible with this report, as I'm using CPM and I'm sure I don't have the images and scripts loaded. Would that be the reason it doesn't sort by column?


Barbara Moore
Technology Coordinator
Catholic Schools Office, Diocese of Wilmington
1626 N. Union Street
Wilmington, DE 19806

The column sorting requires the use of the tabletools javascript files. If they are not loading either due to CPM or image server that may be your problem.

Could you please add the field Action Taken End Date to the Log Entry Search Report?

Please forgive me if this is something simple but is there a way "turn off" access to these new tabs of reports by security group??

This one might be a bit different than most - Log Reports; Student Supports Detail (Log Search). When leaving all of the boxes unchecked - choose dates - choose other details required on the report - on my laptop using wireless at school, this report will not run. However, on my IMAC connected to the server, it works great. Does that make sense and/or if so, what do I need to o to run this with wireless. Also - how would I add a code to the report that would indicate that this student has been met with and now "the case is closed" - in other words - completed. Thank you.

Marie Prescott

Is it possible to add the student number to these reports as I am finding some of them are pulling duplicates that are really two separate students.
It would also be great to add the counselor's name but I understand that Powerschool still does not have a "counselor" field. Is there a way I could tweak that?

I see this java at the top of most of your reports - is this something I should always include in my custom reports and how do I know when it needs to be updated?


Low Current Grades Report


var reportdataURL ='/~[self]';
var pageseperator =' ';
var totalreports = 0;

dateFormat: convertOracleDF('~[gpv:dateformat]')
$('#ui-datepicker-div').hide();//Bug in jQuery UI 1.8.9 causes datepicker div to be visible upon creation
$("#reportresult").html('Loading ');
var settings = $('#params').serializeObject();
$.get(reportdataURL, settings
.fail(function(xhr, status, error){
displayError("Report failed to load. Status Message: " +status);
return false; //override regular form submission
});//end jquery.ready

function processReportResults(data){
$('#reportresult table').addClass('display').dataTable({
"bPaginate": false,
"bFilter": false,
"bJQueryUI": true,
"sDom": 'T<"H"fr>t<"F"ip>',
"oTableTools": {
function displayError(msg){
$('#error_container').html('Alert: '+msg+'').show();
function clearError(){


If you are developing your custom page to use page filters and display results as PDS develops their page, then yes you would want to include this, but if you are displaying information right on the page and not including any filters or the dynamic display of the page then no you do not have to include the code you have commented about.

Michael P. Moore
Student Information System Administrator
South Brunswick Public Schools
South Brunswick, NJ 08852

Is there any place I can learn more about what this code is doing ? I feel like I'm cutting and pasting blindly. Thank you for your reply.

Does anyone have a report, code or something that will print out particular low grades like only Fs, Ds and Fs... etc? I would be grateful...

Thanks in advance.

The Letter Grades Report sounds like what you want. It is in the Custom Report Bundle under the Grades & Grading section.

Greg Myers
Trinity School of Durham and Chapel Hill

When the Dialog box pops up for alert it is blank

Customized this report to pick up log entries for student health plans. Nurses would like to be able to print plans for a selected group of kids and/or all available plans. They would also like the option of using a date range to pull up multiple plans for printing.

Any chance those options could be added in the future?


Good morning. I seem to be having an issue with the Youngest Child at Address report under the Misc tab pulling some inactive students at the school level (enroll status = 2). I am wondering if anyone might have any suggestions?

Thank you,

Carissa Wolgamott

I am having the same issue. I have a student showing up at a school that doesn't appear to have ANY connection to that school and their enroll status = 2 also. Did you get an answer to this?

Strange....I just received a call from a school that said the Exit part of the report is working but not the entry. I was working last week???? Any idea why it would stop working....thanks!

When we run the Search Attendance by Frequency report after 9/30/2012, we aren't getting results. We are using the latest custom reports bundle 3.4.2 and PowerSchool 7.2.0
When we use these parameters
Start Date = 9/4/2012
End Date = 6/30/2012
Min Frequency = 1
Grade Level = All Grades
Attendance Mode = Daily
we don't get any results
If we change the attendance mode to meeting, we still don't get any results.
If we change the ending date to 9/30/2012, we still don't get any results.
I verified that the calendar is setup for October 2012.
According to the school, this report worked up until 9/28/2012.

Same here...The report was working until recently.

Malissa Brock
Anderson School District 5
PowerSchool Data Manager

The transportation reports in the bundle have been great! The schools use them daily. Our district office would like to generate these reports from the district as we are using PowerAnnouncement and any bus issue notifications are genereated from the Central Office so we would like to use the report to make the students the current selection. Is there a way this can be changed?
Is it also possible to add another search ...besides to, from can to or from be added?
I've also seen posted on this sight an issue with the Copy, CSV, Excel, Pdf, Print buttons. I can't get them to work either. I made the change that was posted and I can now print if I need to, but none of the others work
Thanks for all the help!

What happened to this report? My schools and district level staff depend on this greatly and it takes forever to run, if it runs at all. It opens in a new window and the display is terrible. It used to display same window below the report criteria. Can it be fixed to go back to the way it was? It worked great before.

I am having this same problem. We just upgraded to 7.2.3 and it takes FOREVER to run. Is there a fix for this at all?

Is there a way for us to customize these customized reports? For instance, there is a report that shows students with grades of D, or F. We do not use the F grade here, we use E. How would we change this report? Also, is there a way to move the reports from the CUSTOM tab to the SYSTEM tab of System Reports? Also, when clicking on the CUSTOM tab, it takes quite a while for the page to refresh and show the custom reports? Show it take that long? Thank you for creating this!

Yes, you can customize the report. You will need to open the file and make the necessary changes. I would make a backup should your edits have problems. There are times that when I think a change is simple but forget something or for whatever reason the results do not display. So if you are making edits directly on a production system, which I don't suggest, it may be prudent to have a backup of the file that could easily revert to.

I haven't investigated the System Tab and see how the page is populated, but I would imagine that you could put a report on there, but not sure where in the list of reports it would display.

And finally, the slowness of generating the custom report menu. You could revert to a static version of the report menu, though whenever you want to add a new report you would have to edit the report menu to add in a new menu entry for the new report. Some people aren't familiar with how to do this or don't want to be bothered, so the dynamic menu for custom reports takes all that out and allows reports to be dynamically added to the menu.

Michael P. Moore
Student Information System Administrator
South Brunswick Public Schools
South Brunswick, NJ 08852

If I clicked on Dynamic and now they are Statis, how do I get them back to Dynamic?...oops
***Got it fixed! Thanks

Is it possible to modify a custom student field directly from the Teacher "class attendance" page? We are trying to allow teachers to share information with a student's other teachers possibly through an alert icon.

I am trying to import the reports bundle but it says that it is not recognized. We are new to all of this and I am trying to figure it out one step at a time. I was wondering if someone could help me.


Suddenly our dynamic style custom report page is not showing up, but the static one is. Nothing should have changed so I'm not sure what happened.

Do you happen to have Custom Page Management enabled? There are some files that HAVE to be in CPM and not in the web_root.

All of our files are in web_root, just as they have always been.

Is there anyway to get the copy_cvs_xls_pdf.swf to show up on your custom report when you add it to the custom report bundle? I tood the AddressIssues.html page and added my tlist sql and changed the report name, but no luck with the page showing the exports tool.

You will need to copy the JavaScript in the report that is necessary for the tools to run.

Michael P. Moore
Student Information System Administrator
South Brunswick Public Schools
South Brunswick, NJ 08852

I did copy the javascript? Or did I?


District Graduate Report 2010-2011


$('#reportresult table').addClass('display').dataTable({
"bPaginate": false,
"bFilter": false,
"bJQueryUI": true,
"sDom": 'T<"H"fr>t<"F"ip>',
"oTableTools": {
{"bSortable":true, "aTargets":[0]}
});//end jquery.ready


Graduate List 2010-2011

Graduates 2010-2011

School Site
School Name
Student Number
State SN
Entry Date
Exit Date
Exit Code
Internal Exit
9th Grade Year
Fed Ethnicity

~[tlist_sql;SELECT s.schoolid,,s.student_number,ps_customfields.getStudentscf(,'sia_fcat_number'),s.First_Name,s.Middle_Name,s.Last_Name,s.DOB,s.DistrictEntryDate,s.ExitDate,s.ExitCode,ps_customfields.getStudentscf(,'sia_exit_code'),ps_customfields.getStudentscf(,'sia_9th_grade_entry_year'),ps_customfields.getStudentscf(,'eseactive'),ps_customfields.getStudentscf(,'SPEDLEP'),s.ethnicity,s.FedEthnicity
FROM students s, schools sch
WHERE sch.School_Number = s.schoolid
AND s.ExitDate between 'Jun-30-2010' and 'July-01-2011' AND s.schoolid<>'21' AND s.schoolid<>'7'
AND ps_customfields.getStudentscf(,'sia_exit_code')LIKE 'G%'
ORDER BY schoolid, Last_Name;alternatecolor;]



My gradebook vs stored report is stuck at "Waiting for REport Parameters". What do I need to check?

Malissa Brock
Anderson School District 5
PowerSchool Data Manager

This has been posted in PSUG and has not gotten a solution yet. Looking at every comment on this thread has yielded no solution either. I am sure the experts who created this bundle can straighten me out.

We are in the process of updating our district's custom report pages to PDS CRB v 3.4.2. We are on PS 7.2.3.

When we looked at one of the new custom report pages, we noted that the layout does not have the left navigation bar like the rest of PS. We are having trouble making the custom report page consistent in its look with other PS pages.

The following code has been replaced in the admin\reports\grading\CurrentCommentsGrades.html page:
Current Teacher Comments AND Grades

<a href="/admin/home.html" target="_top">Start Page</a>
&gt; <a href="/admin/reports/home.html">Reports</a>
&gt; <a href="/admin/reports/customreports.html">Reports (Custom)</a>
Current Teacher Comments AND Grades
<!-- breadcrumb end -->~[wc:admin_navigation_css]


has been replaced with:

This gives us the navigation bar on the left but the contents have a whole bunch of empty white space at the top so that you have to scroll down in order to see them.

Has anyone else tried to do this? I would really appreciate your help.

Thank you very much in advance,

If anyone is interested in having the same layout for these custom reports as the rest of the PS pages, here is what needs to be done:
1. In the /admin/includes/template/reports-common.css file, removed this CSS
property on line 9(#reportcontent selector)...

2. Replaced the following lines:
Custom Report Title

<a href="/admin/home.html" target="_top">Start Page</a>
&gt; <a href="/admin/reports/home.html">Reports</a>
&gt; <a href="/admin/reports/customreports.html">Reports (Custom)</a>
Custom Report Title

3. Replaced ~[x:insertfile;/admin/includes/template/pds_copyright_footer.html]
<p class="disclaimer noprint" style="text-align:center;">&copy; 2010-2011
PowerDataSolutions. All rights reserved.</p>

I learned about step 1 from Brent Johnson of

Step 3 gives the credit to PDS as deserved since that is the purpose of the
pds_copyright_footer.html file. I didn't want to modify the wildcard admin_footer_css.txt file.


I have some SQL reports that I generated in the old version. I added the Custom Reports Bundle 3.4.2 to my system and now all of my old SQL reports are gone, also the links that I created to store SQL reports for different schools do not open. Do I need to refresh something to get my old reports to show?
I found my error all is good.

I have a little SQL code to search our "parent" fields. It works fine outside of PS but when I put it in custom SQL reports and insert the %param1% where I put the name I can't get it to keep the space. I need the space in order for it to find the name. Is there some way around this? When I type in (sp)sara for the response to the prompt it truncates it to sara. I need the space in there. I tried concantonate || ||%prompt1% but it replaced it with || ||sara


When I run this report, the only items that come up are D+'s as a problem, even though the percent is correct. I tested it and even if I have an A+ with a 0 percent, this grade does not show on the report. Am I missing some files from the custom reports bundle or is this report having a "known issue" ?



If you view the custom page there is an extensive grade NOT IN list. I deleted grades that ARE in our grade scale and then got results other than just the D+. But for most of the results returned the letter and percent do match, at least using our grade scale range as a measure., though I don't think the coding is looking to the grade scale.

I recently updated to the latest report bundle, now when I click on the custome SQL reports tab, I don't have access to edit my SQL reports, I can only run them.

Can someone please give guidence on how to update my security setting? I am under group 9 PS Admin. Thanks for your time, help and feeback. flora

The performance fix in 3.4.1 needs to be tweaked to work with PS 7.2.3. It has the same old problem with running for 6 minutes for certain date ranges and less than 2 seconds for others.

I recently uploaded the latest report bundle, when I click on the customSQL reports tab, I don't have anything - it is blank. We are on PS version 7.5.0.


I would like to be able to add a date range on the Gradebook Assignment Status report. As the year goes on, the list of missing assignments grows. We would like to be able to go in and put a date range in for searching, like you can do in the missing assignments report in PowerTeacher. Is there a way that I could add this to the current report or would it have to be made as an enhancement by you?

Melissa Tront
St Joseph County ISD

Since our upgrade to 7/5, the Teacher Free report seems to not be pulling all free sections. It appears it may only be pulling year long classes. Anyone else see this issue?


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