Submitted by jtreadwell on Fri, 05/17/2013 - 12:29pm
Due to the large number of spam comments we get I've turned off automatic posting and all comments need to be approved. This will mean some lag before you see your comment show up. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Submitted by brian_andle on Mon, 06/18/2012 - 7:07pm
I typically run the beta track of FireFox on my Mac. While working on Power Data Solutions Locker Management customization I noticed that FireFox 14 (currently in beta) and PowerSchool versions prior to 7.2 experience a specific jQuery issue. Functions that use jQuery Ajax don't work correctly. Examples of this function are Change School, Daily Bulletin modal popup and other Ajax related functions.
Some of the PDS that would also be affected are:
One Stop Attendance
Report Bundle
Submitted by jtreadwell on Tue, 06/05/2012 - 7:34am
Brian noticed a cool enhancement request and I thought we could help you find it a little. Chris has posted a picture of what he's suggesting (a very nice picture btw) on PowerSource so go there to see what he means. It's a good idea, I like it. Lets vote it up so it catches Pearson's attention! Details of the enhancement request is below
Submitted by brian_andle on Wed, 05/30/2012 - 4:02pm
Update: has been released to resolve the issue seen in 7.2. If you are using you should upgrade immediately.
PowerSchool 7.2 has been pulled due to a issue with importing data that is stored in the CLOB field type. If you are using PS 7.2 on your production server DO NOT use AutoComm, Quick Import or Import using Template.
Submitted by brian_andle on Thu, 05/24/2012 - 1:51pm
PowerSchool 7.2 has been released and includes/replaces several PDS customizations. Because of the changes to the Teacher portal there are several customizations that are not yet compatible with the new 7.2 features. Below is a list of customization that are no longer needed or are currently not compatible.
Seating Chart
Field Validator - When used with the Students and Teachers table
Not currently compatible
Class Attendance Enhancement V2_1
/teachers/home.html page included in Grade Verification
Important: When upgrading to PS 7.2 you will want to remove/rename the following custom pages if present:
Submitted by brian_andle on Thu, 03/08/2012 - 6:05am
As prominent members of the PowerSchool community the users that contribute to PDS almost always seem to be somewhere. Below are a list of upcoming events and who you might be able to catch up with;
March 5th-8th PSU Orlando. Jason Treadwell
March 19th-21st Western NY Sys Admin Training. Jason Treadwell
April 2nd-4th Kansas PSUG. Jason Treadwell, Brian Andle
More info @
Submitted by brian_andle on Wed, 03/07/2012 - 4:59pm
What do we have here? It looks like a functioning PowerDataSolutions website. We would like to thank everyone for their patience for what seems like forever and take this opportunity to welcome you back to PDS. You will now be able to create an account, sorry your old ones were lost, using the the login area on the left.
We will continue to work on adding features and customizations back into PDS. For now though you should be able to download our top customizations and successfully post comments you have to specific customizations.
Submitted by jtreadwell on Tue, 01/31/2012 - 2:00pm
Congratulations to the Colorado League of Charter Schools on a very successful 2nd annual PSUG-CO Conference! I look forward to next year's event.
Submitted by jtreadwell on Wed, 10/12/2011 - 8:22am
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