All Enrollment Tabs

Having one spot for all the sections a student has ever been enrolled in is great, but after a few years that list gets really long. Especially if you schedule students in more than just homeroom each year. All enrollments tabs is a edit of the existing all enrollments page combined with the tabs feature of the reports page.

What's New in Version 4.1.0
Converted to a plugin. Also now using page fragments instead of customizing the page.

How do I install a plugin?
Directions can be found here

Change History
V 4.1.0 - Released 2015-07-27

  • Initial Release

V 2.0.2 - Released 2012-04-11

  • Fixed Sorting Issue

V 2.0.1 - Released 2012-03-27

  • Now CPM Friendly

V 2.0.0 - Released 2011-08-13

  • Update for PowerSchool 7.0

V 1.1.0 - Released 2010-07-14

  • Updated tab link to include FRN to preserve student info line

V 1.0.0 - Released 2010-06-10

  • Initial Release


Jason Treadwell
CPM Import Friendly: 


I am getting an I/O error when importing into CPM... any thoughts-- and this is on our live and test box..

The previous version was not CPM Import Friendly. 2.01 is CPM Import Friendly.

Just a thought for this enhancement - some people still prefer the "all on one page" look at times, but at other times they like to see it broken out by year. Could this be modified to add a tab that shows "ALL" or something like that. It was also noted that when they go to print out the student's All Enrollments, they have to print out a page for each tab vs. printing out a page that may actually be able to fit all of the enrollments on one page.

Just a thought.

I like this feature but it takes away the sorting by column ability. Is there anyway to reincorporate that in the custom all enrollment page?

Also, what do the faded out enrollment records indicate? Some of the text is in a lighter shade of gray and some are just black.

If you have all the files installed (check image server) you should have sorting. The lighter text means dropped.

It's not sorting for me as well, the header is highlighted like a link and acts like it's click-able, but it doesn't respond to sort. There was only one file included in the download so we may be missing something.
I do have the stylesheets and the s_scripts.html files installed from other packages that are indicated in the file.

Thank you! When I had self-customized our all-enrollments when we went to 7 this summer, I self-multilated the tabs right out of the screen. It's nice to have the tab graphics back in addition to the sorting. Thanks.

Can you post what additional files are required to have the sorting by column. The download just has the allenrollments.html file. I have no sorting capability. Please advise what other files are required and where they are installed.

What additional files are needed for the Sorting to work? The download only contained 1 file.

When we click on edit a class enrollment there is no header on the Edit Enrollment Record Page. We can make the change but it returns a blank screen. Any thoughts?

Same as prior comment; there is some kind of knock-on effect on the /admin/students/editcc.html page from this customization, which causes the entire header to be missing from the edit page when this customization is in use even though the editcc.html page itself if not customized. Makes navigation a bit more challenging...
Editcc is normal when customization is turned off.

Linda Brock
Student Information Systems Specialist
Hampton, CT

Linda, Did you find a solution for this. I am still searching.

I changed the last line in the table to


added the breadcrumb="true" and seems to works fine

This is how I did it anyway but not a programmer by any means.
Added this line to the Dynamic Tabs Section
<li><a href="allenrollments2.html?frn=004~(dcid;l)&breadcrumb=true">ALL</a></li>
<!-- END Dynamic Year tabs -->
<!-- end of tabs -->

Created a custom file called allenrollments2.html and copied the original powerschool (because has all of the enrollment) page into it, also added the Dynamic tabs section to the new page so the All screen will also have tabs.

I had immunizations in a custom screen. I exported them to an excel doc and am trying to import them to the health screen and I can't get them to go. I keep getting an input error: I have columns such as student_number; wheninput; whoinput; immunization in this format mmr_1_date, etc and then I have mmr_1_certificate type. It gives me messages of input error. Any ideas? (I did save in a txt file on desk top and tab deliminated type)


When I click "Edit" to edit any of the enrollments it keeps taking me to the same period. Any ideas why that may be happening? Thanks!

Gil Mara
Hawthorne School District

Hi, I am trying to create a report using ReportWorks that filters out all students who were dropped from a section as of a specific date while displaying those who have say only A or B. Anyone can point in the right direction or does someone have a template that they would not mind sharing?

After editing an enrollment date then clicking on the Submit button, a blank page is returned. Help, is there a way a message similar to this could be displayed:
Changes Recorded
The changes have been recorded.

And then you could click a "Back" button.

I recently had to extend my trimester 2 term. I was using the All Enrollment customization with no issue. Our registrar happened to look at all enrollments and some courses were not being shown (specifically T2 and T3 courses). I removed the allenrollments.html page and all were there in this mode. Could it be because of the date change within T2 and T3? I tried reloading, even grabbed it from here today, with the same problem but I'm not sure when this actually stopped working. Any suggestions? I hate the old view!

Your update says: "What's New in Version 4.1.0 Converted to a plugin. Also now using page fragments instead of customizing the page."

Downloaded but not seeing page fragment in your file - I am seeing allenrollments.html however. Please advise.

Patti Myers
Sr. Student Information Systems Specialist
West Shore School District

Does the All Enrollments Plugin work with Version 9.x

Yes. I'm on 9.1 and it's working for me. I was disappointed that they removed the Dropped column so I added it back in, and that works too.

Getting ready to move to PowerSchool 10.0 and would like to install this customization but would like to know if it works before installing.

Leesa Chartrand
Student Information System Coordinator - Lead
Wild Rose School Division

Working on PowerSchool 10.0.2 and this does not appear to work. Do you know when it will be updated?

Leesa Chartrand
Student Information System Coordinator - Lead
Wild Rose School Division

If you take the All Enrollments plugin on PowerSource Exchange it is working with 10.x.x!

Will this be updated for 10?

Jo A. DeAngelo-Podsiadlo
SIS Administrator

Thank you for all you do...your plugins are so appreciated and utilized.

With this plugin, are we able to see who dropped a class when the term has not begun? For example, the summer months before the school year begins?

Deb McMullen
District Student Data Manager

Thank you for your kind comments. Always appreciated!

Rob Staats
PSCB Development

This is _SO_ awesome, but I do miss the 'School' column from the default page.

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