Submitted by mforecki on Tue, 07/31/2012 - 12:55pm
I created a custom alert and updated title_student_end_css.txt The alert now displays in the PowerSchool admin portal but does not display in Powerteacher. Which wildcard file controls the alerts that display in PowerTeacher?
Tue, 07/31/2012 - 2:02pm
Re: Custom Alert in PowerTeacher
There is no title_student_end equivalent wildcard on the Teacher side. Each backpack page needs to be updated individually.
Thu, 12/20/2012 - 11:55am
Any way to add the custom alerts to the classattendance.html page in PowerTeacher? (Oh please say yes, please say yes! ;-)
Thu, 09/17/2015 - 2:25pm
Adding alerts to classattendance.html
It's been a few years since this question was posted, but I added instructions on how this can be done on 6/13/2015 [updated 9/17/2015] (scroll down to the bottom of this conversation thread).
Mon, 09/17/2012 - 11:52am
custom alerts on classattendance.html
The single day attendance page (classattendance.html) has a column showing alerts for each student. I'd like to customize this page to include our custom alerts but the new coding has me confused. ([alert])
Can this be done -- and if so, do you have directions for how to do this. My teachers mainly look at this page so if I could get all the alerts to show up on this one page, everyone would be happy.
Tue, 09/18/2012 - 11:37am
Teacher alert wildcard & alertlist.html
I thought I once saw instructions on how to create a teacher wildcard so teachers could see custom alerts (without having to add the custom alert to each page on the Backpack dropdown). There also used to be a customization called "alertlist.html" that listed all alerts on the teacher page. It was complicated and I couldn't make the hover work correctly, but our teachers need to see the alerts. I can't seem to find the instructions for the teacher wildcard or for the alertlist.html. Thank you very much.
Wed, 10/03/2012 - 12:31pm
Teacher Alerts
We too would like to be able to add our custom alerts to the main teacher page. We have added them to the individual pages, but have not been successful in adding them to the main teacher page where the PowerSchool supplied alerts appear. Has anyone found instructions on how to do this, or maybe it can't be done(?).
Mon, 10/08/2012 - 1:48pm
We would like to customize
We would like to customize our alerts as well on the Single Daily Attendance page. P
Thu, 10/18/2012 - 11:15am
Teacher Alerts
We were able to add teacher alerts.
Under Teachers/Alerts add the alertfilename.html file (ex. IEPalert.html) and then we created another file named _studentpages_include.html under teachers, this is a one point reference html which allows us to add all teacher customization alerts in this page.
Then in teacher under studentpages we added a line of code to insertfile /teachers/_studentpages_include.html in each html file.
When the teachers log in, no matter what drop down they choose, all alerts are listed on each page.
Sat, 12/01/2012 - 6:09am
Teacher Alerts
This sounds interesting, but could you provide more detail as to the coding for each of the lines or pages you added? for instance, would you share the _studentpages_include.html and the line of code added to studentpages?
Linda Porter Kabaniec
Thu, 12/06/2012 - 2:23pm
Teacher Alerts
In our version of teacher alerts, I took over the alert_other so it would show in the class attendance page. At the bottom of the page, I added another roster area that I could control more easily with a column for creating a new academic alert or referral. The teacher can create the alert from there. At the very bottom of the page is an icon that generates a complete list of alerts. I had to modify some wildcards are the alert other page as well. And I had to hide this from other schools who are not using this. Here is the bottom half of the page:
Daily Attendance for this class.
If all students are present, none will be displayed below.
Student Name
Grade Level
Daily Attendance
Daily Attendance Code
SELECT s.lastfirst as student, s.grade_level as grade, attc.description as daily, attc.ATT_Code as code, att.Att_Comment
FROM Attendance att
INNER JOIN Students s
on s.ID = att.StudentID
INNER JOIN Attendance_Code attc
on att.Attendance_CodeID = attc.ID
on cc.StudentID = s.ID
WHERE att.Att_Mode_Code = 'ATT_ModeDaily' AND cc.SectionID = ~[gpv:sectionid] AND att.Att_Date = '~[gpv:att_date]' AND attc.ATT_Code IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY s.lastfirst;alternatecolor]
Comment: ~(Att_Comment)
YTD Daily Attendance Totals and Create Academic Alerts
Student Name
Create/Edit Referrals
SELECT s.LastFirst, cc.CurrentTardies, cc.CurrentAbsences, s.ID, s.alert_other
FROM Students s
ON s.ID = CC.StudentID
WHERE cc.SectionID = ~[gpv:sectionid]
ORDER BY s.lastfirst;alternatecolor]
Thu, 12/20/2012 - 12:02pm
Explanation on List of alerts
Could you explain to me what you mean by "At the very bottom of the page is an icon that generates a complete list of alerts." Do you have custom alerts? And if so, does the list also display those?
Thu, 08/08/2013 - 5:56am
Teacher Alerts
Would you please share your "_studentpages_include.html" page with me?
Fri, 08/16/2013 - 6:11am
Customer Teacher Alerts
Would you share your instructions on how you got teacher alerts to work? I cannot seem to get an alert to work in the gradebook. Thanks
Wed, 04/15/2015 - 10:32am
Custom Teacher Alerts
This sounds interesting, but could you provide more detail as to the coding for each of the lines or pages you added? for instance, would you share the _studentpages_include.html and the line of code added to studentpages?
Thu, 02/07/2013 - 11:53am
Teacher Alert
Has anyone come up with adding custom alerts to teacher pages?
Fri, 08/16/2013 - 6:13am
Custom Alerts Teacher Pages
Has anyone come up with adding custom alerts to teacher pages? If so could you please share code, instructions, etc.
Tue, 09/17/2013 - 12:54pm
Custom Alerts Teacher Pages
I have spent hours trying to figure out how to get our Custom Alerts to show on Teacher pages. Would anyone please share instructions, coding, etc. if they have successfully done this?
Thanks a million.
Bev Lauby
Thu, 10/24/2013 - 11:02am
re: Custom Alerts Teacher Pages
Not sure what the ramifications are for most folks but I just customized all of my teachers/studentpages files by adding in the "title_student..." wildcards from the admin side to the top of the
tag like so:<body>
<!-- Start of shaded content table -->
Since the display of all of my custom alerts are contained in my customized title_student_begin_css.txt, they show up on every teacher page exactly as I planned.
Hope this helps someone!
Randy Rowe
Sr. Applications Analyst
Topeka Public Schools
Fri, 09/20/2013 - 1:32pm
Custom Alerts on Teacher Attendance Page
Can someone instruct me specifically on how to get our custom alerts to display in the same way the PS built in alerts display on the attendance page in PowerTeacher??
Mon, 11/04/2013 - 11:48am
Custom Alerts on Gradebook next to Student Name
Our teachers really want an alert icon, or even an asterisk to know that an alert is on that student, next to the student name in the gradebook. That applies mostly to an IEP alert that we have created. Has anybody done that?
Mon, 11/04/2013 - 4:30pm
Gradebook, is unfortunately
Gradebook, is unfortunately not customizable. Hopefully in future releases Gradebook will not a Java application.
Wed, 12/11/2013 - 9:38am
Custom Alerts Teacher pages
Has anyone found a way to have the alert show up on teacher pages, and then be able to click the alert to read the alert??? I've used some of the info from above to get the alert to show on a page, but when you click on it, the alert message doesn't show up, just an error.
I would love to get some help on this!!! Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
Shelley Wedel
Manager, Student Information
Campbell Union School District
Mon, 12/16/2013 - 6:04am
Custom Alert pop up window
Perfect timing on your question. I came to PDS site this morning looking exactly for that. I have on the Admin side an icon that displays for special ed students to indicate they have a tracking teacher and clicking on the icon opens the window that shows the name of the tracking teacher.
On the PowerTeacher side I have the same icon show, but clicking on the icon only yields a window that says NOT FOUND: The requested file could not be found on this server.
Hovering above the icon shows me that it points to a link alerttrackingtchr.html and that page exists in the teachers>alerts directory of the custom pages. That page has the same code copied from the page of the same name in the admin>alerts directory.
I would really like to get this working for the teachers.
Tim Schramm
Database Manager
City of Albany School District
Albany, NY
Tim Schramm
Database Administrator
City of Albany School District
Mon, 12/30/2013 - 11:43am
Add custom alert to classattendance.html
Has anyone figured out how to do this yet? Like others, I am also confused by the new coding for the alert of [alert] instead of how we added alerts to wildcards in the past. I have a custom alert I would really like to have appear in the table on the classattendance.html page along with all of the built in alerts.
Any help would be appreciated!
Tue, 09/09/2014 - 12:48pm
teacher custom alert
Any updates to this yet? I need my sped alert to show up on teachers side as well....
Wed, 09/10/2014 - 11:35am
Custom Alert on teacher pages
I have been able to make the custom alerts appear on the Quick Lookup and Schedule pages in PowerTeacher, but cannot get it on the Attendance screen. This means that teachers would have to visit each individual student's page in order to see the alert. If you would like the alert to appear on the Quick Lookup screen (or another teacher screen) you have to edit the page itself because there is no wildcard for these pages.
Wed, 09/10/2014 - 11:38am
Custom alert
I have been able to make the custom alerts appear on the Quick Lookup and Schedule pages in PowerTeacher, but cannot get it on the Attendance screen. This means that teachers would have to visit each individual student's page in order to see the alert. If you would like the alert to appear on the Quick Lookup screen (or another teacher screen) you have to edit the page itself because there is no wildcard for these pages.
Thu, 01/15/2015 - 11:07am
Custom Alert on Attendance Page-PowerTeacher
Has anyone had any luck with adding a custom alert to the attendance the column with the other alerts? This would be the ideal spot, instead of adding to each PowerTeacher Student page. Anyone????
Shelley Wedel
Manager, Student Information
Campbell Union School District
Tue, 02/24/2015 - 2:32pm
custom alert icon on PowerTeacher's attendance page
I got this working using a tlist_sql query and the [ccid] variable with a case statement on the /teachers/classattendance.html page for the single entry tab. Just add the tlist_sql after the [alerts] tag which is around line 245 on the original page.
I wrote up a post on it that also adds the custom alert icon to the Admin side using a wildcard page fragment, an area to toggle the alert on the Other Information page using a custom insertion point and another page fragment and on the PowerTeacher Class Attendance page using the tlist_sql case statement.
Let me know if you have any questions. I have tested this on 8.1.1 and 7.11.1
Thu, 09/17/2015 - 2:16pm
Custom Alerts on Teacher Pages and Attendance Page
There is no "easy" way to do this, but I was able to create a plugin that adds a Special Ed alert to each student page in the Teacher Portal.
At the same time I was able to "tap" into the Attendance page and include it there. Here's what I did for that piece.
For the Attendance Page, I used tlist_sql to create a "hidden" table that I used like an array, making the Student Name the id of the first cell (the key) on each row and filling that cell with the actual alert (setting "frn=001~(DCID)"), and the flag indicating if the alert should be displayed as the second cell in each row.
I then used jQuery to traverse every row in the visible table (id="attendance-table") and matched the Student Name (column 0) in the visible table with the one in my hidden table having that student name as its id. If the second cell containing the flag indicates the alert should be displayed, I appended my alert to the contents of the visible alerts, otherwise I ignored that alert. Finally, I removed the hidden table when complete.
I put all this into a page insertion file in the /teachers folder:
<table id="tbl_sped_alerts" style="display:none">
select s.lastfirst, s.DCID, ps_customfields.getcf('STUDENTS',,'MI_SRSD_PrgmElig_SpEd') sped
from PERIOD p
inner join SECTION_MEETING sm on sm.SchoolID = p.SchoolID and sm.year_id = p.year_id and sm.period_number = p.period_number
inner join SECTIONS se on = sm.SectionID
inner join CC on CC.SectionID =
inner join STUDENTS s on s.ID = CC.StudentID
where p.ID = ~[gpv:Period_ID]and sm.sectionid = ~[gpv:sectionId]
order by s.lastfirst;
<td id="~(lastfirst;t)"> <a class="dialogM" title="SpEd Alert" dialogcontent="" href="/~[directory]/alerts/SPEDalert.html?frn=001~(DCID,t)"><img src="/images/SPED_trans.png" height="16" width="20" alt="SpEd Info" border="0"></a></td>
<td id="sped">~(sped;i)</td>
$j('#attendance-table > tbody > tr').each(function() {
// Make sure we're past the header row.
if($j(this).index() > 0) {
// Find the row in the hidden table containing the matching Student's info
var row = $j('#tbl_sped_alerts').find('td[id="'+$j(this).find('td').eq(0).text()+'"]').closest('tr');
// If SpEd then append the contents of the link cell into the viewable table's Alert cell
if( row.find('#sped').text() == '1') {
$j(this).find('td').eq(1).append( row.find('td').eq(0).contents() );
Fri, 10/06/2017 - 10:23pm
I know this thread is a bit
I know this thread is a bit older, but this answer helped me finally solve an issue I was asked to solve and had somewhat given up on. Here's a modified version of the above answer that allows for multiple alerts and is somewhat streamlined. We have three alerts we wanted to show, a 504 alert, a High Ability alert, and a boundary waiver alert.
Edit: Removed a commented out line I didn't mean to leave in there.
var students = [~[tlist_sql;
ps_customfields.getcf('STUDENTS',,'UT_504') fiveofour,
ps_customfields.getcf('STUDENTS',,'alert_halassessed') hal,
ps_customfields.getcf('STUDENTS',,'Boundary_Waiver') boundary
from PERIOD p
inner join SECTION_MEETING sm on sm.SchoolID = p.SchoolID and sm.year_id = p.year_id and sm.period_number = p.period_number
inner join SECTIONS se on = sm.SectionID
inner join CC on CC.SectionID =
inner join STUDENTS s on s.ID = CC.StudentID
where p.ID = ~[gpv:Period_ID]and sm.sectionid = ~[gpv:sectionId]
order by s.lastfirst;
"ccid": "~(ccid)",
"last_first": "~(lastfirst)",
"dcid": "~(dcid)",
"fiveofour": "~(fiveofour)",
"hal": "~(hal)",
"boundary": "~(boundary)"
Tue, 08/25/2020 - 3:43pm
Am I missing something? Image
I know this is a few year old , but I am looking at this and trying to find where the code is to pull the image file for the 3 alerts you have.
Margaret Hopkins
Fri, 08/21/2020 - 12:13pm
Custom Alert Issues
I created and added a custom alert for our remote learners. I also have it added to one page in the teacher portal. I was trying to get it to show up on the single day attendance page for teachers, but could not get it to work. That is one issue. The second issue, is that now I have done something to where the student page headings are no longer bold and the student picture does not show up anymore. Any advise? What page controls the heading font/size for all the student pages?
Mon, 08/24/2020 - 9:52am
Nevermind, I was able to fix it.
Tue, 08/25/2020 - 10:50am
Custom Alert for PowerTeacher Attendance Page
Good Day,
I just hopped to search for exactly what you did.
I need to add a custom alert to the PowerTeacher attendance page to flag for our remote learners.
Can you share your coding?
It would be greatly appreciated!
Thu, 09/10/2020 - 7:50am
Custom Alert for PowerTeacher Attendance Page
I am also hoping to find a way to add the student's Cohort to the teachers attendance page in Powerteacher.
Can you share your coding?
Thank you
Fri, 10/09/2020 - 1:45pm
Adding Custom Alert to Teacher Class Attendance Page
Here is what I did to get the alert to show up on the teacher class attendance page:
1. Under the teachers folder, create a file like the one below. Input your alert name where I have my sped alert information.
2. Then go thru the below script and input your alert information where you see mine. Once you have it updated, then copy and paste into the file you created above.
var alertRows = {
select, s.dcid
from students s
inner join cc on and cc.sectionid = ~(gpv.sectionid;sqlText)
and to_date('~(gpv.att_date;sqlText)','~[datetext:mmddyyyy]') between cc.dateenrolled and cc.dateleft-1
and ps_customfields.getCf('students',, 'alert_sped_kl01') is not null
$j.each(alertRows, function(ccid, studcid) {
$j('tr[id=ccid_' + ccid + '] td:eq(1)').append('');
Mon, 11/23/2020 - 9:03am
Adding Custom Alert to Teacher Class Attendance Page
Edited code- finally got this to work:
1. File name is classattendance.DistanceLearning_Method.content.footer.txt; saved in the teachers folder in custom page management.
2. The field name of my alert is U_StudentsUserFields.DistanceLearning_Method
3. Note the LEFT OUTER JOIN to link the Students table to the U_StudentsUserFields table, in order to pull the DistanceLearning_Method field. If your field is in the Students table, you can erase the LEFT OUTER JOIN line below.
4. My image for the alert is in the custom page management - images folder. It is named ONL.png.
To customize:
1) replace U_StudentsUserFields.DistanceLearning_Method with the field name of your alert.
2) replace /images/ONL.png with the name of your image file for your alert. Make sure the image resides in custom page management, in the images folder.
3) Save the file as classattendance._________.content.footer.txt in the teachers folder in custom page management. Insert the name of your alert from 1) above.
var alertRows = {
select, s.dcid
from students s
LEFT OUTER JOIN U_StudentsUserFields on s.dcid = U_StudentsUserFields.studentsdcid
inner join cc on and cc.sectionid = ~(gpv.sectionid;sqlText)
and to_date('~(gpv.att_date;sqlText)','~[datetext:mmddyyyy]') between cc.dateenrolled and cc.dateleft-1
and U_StudentsUserFields.DistanceLearning_Method is not null
$j.each(alertRows, function(ccid, studcid) {
$j('tr[id=ccid_' + ccid + '] td:eq(1)').append(" <img src='/images/ONL.png' />");